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Contention in MySQL InnoDB

Useful info from the semaphores section

Originally published in but no longer available there

Identifying Contention Points in MySQL Using InnoDB Semaphores

In a high concurrency environment, contention is inevitable. This guide explores how to identify contention points using the SEMAPHORES section from the SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS command output.

Understanding SEMAPHORES

The SEMAPHORES section in InnoDB status output provides metrics related to InnoDB waits. It contains two types of data:

  1. Event counters
  2. A list of current waits

Current Waits

This section should ideally be empty unless your MySQL instance is experiencing high concurrency. If you see lines like “Thread was waited...", it indicates contention.

Example output:

OS WAIT ARRAY INFO: reservation count 1744351
--Thread 139964395677440 has waited at line 5889 for 0 seconds the semaphore:
S-lock on RW-latch at 0x7f4c3d73c150 created in file line 1433
a writer (thread id 139964175062784) has reserved it in mode exclusive
number of readers 0, waiters flag 1, lock_word: 0
Last time read locked in file line 1121
Last time write locked in file /mnt/workspace/percona-server-5.7-redhat-binary-rocks-new/label_exp/min-centos-7-x64/test/rpmbuild/BUILD/percona-server-5.7.28-31/percona-server-5.7.28-31/storage/innobase/btr/ line 1121
OS WAIT ARRAY INFO: signal count 1483499
RW-shared spins 0, rounds 314940, OS waits 77827
RW-excl spins 0, rounds 205078, OS waits 7540
RW-sx spins 4357, rounds 47820, OS waits 949
Spin rounds per wait: 314940.00 RW-shared, 205078.00 RW-excl, 10.98 RW-sx

Analyzing Contention

To monitor this section, you can use the following command:

while true; do mysql -N -e"show engine innodb status\G" | sed -n '/SEMAPHORES/,/TRANSACTIONS/p'; sleep 1; done

Key Information to Extract

From the current waits, focus on:

  1. The exact version of MySQL (and flavor: Percona Server, Oracle’s MySQL, MariaDB)
  2. Filename
  3. File line

Investigating the Code

Once you have the necessary information, follow these steps to investigate the code:

  1. Find the correct repository (e.g., for Percona Server)
  2. Locate the specific release/version
  3. Navigate the code tree (usually under storage/innobase/)
  4. Examine the relevant files and line numbers

Case Study: Analyzing Contention

In our example:

  1. MySQL version: Percona Server 5.7.28-31
  2. Files and lines of interest:
- line 5889
- line 1433
- line 1121

Looking Inside the Code

Once you have identified the files and line numbers of interest, you can investigate the code without downloading the source. Here’s how:

Finding the Repository

  1. Navigate to the appropriate GitHub repository (e.g., for Percona Server).
  2. Ensure you’re looking at the correct version of the code.

Finding the Release

  1. Click on the “Releases” link on the repository page.
  2. Locate the specific version you’re investigating (e.g., 5.7.28-31 for Percona Server).
  3. Click on the tag link to view the code at that specific release point.

The relevant part of the code tree is typically:


The InnoDB storage engine code is inside the “innobase” directory. To find the correct subdirectory:

  1. Look at the filename (e.g.,
  2. The directory name is the part before the zero (e.g., “btr” for

Examining the Files

Once you’ve found the correct files, you can view them directly on GitHub. For example:

Each file typically has a description at the top:

- "The index tree adaptive search" (Adaptive Hash Index - AHI)
- "The database buffer buf_pool" (InnoDB Buffer Pool)
- "The index tree cursor" (B-Tree where data exists in InnoDB)

By examining these files and the specific lines mentioned in the SEMAPHORES output, you can gain insight into what operations were causing contention.

What’s Happening?

  • Estimating the number of rows in an index range
  • Creating a lock over a buffer pool block
  • Using the Adaptive Hash Index (AHI) for search

The analysis reveals contention on the AHI. However, the wait time is 0 seconds, indicating that the contention disappeared quickly and only occurred once during the monitored period.


The InnoDB code is well-documented, making it possible to identify contention spots. While not every situation is immediately evident, understanding the code can be invaluable in diagnosing issues.

If contention issues persist, consider:

  1. Increasing the buffer pool size
  2. Increasing the number of AHI partitions
  3. Disabling the AHI entirely

Remember to test thoroughly before implementing any changes in a production environment.